Sunday, September 23, 2012

Natural Liquid Soap Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our first Natural Liquid Soap Giveaway! As per the survey in our Facebook Fan page, the winners will receive (1) 250mL bottle of Peppermint Liquid Castile Soap. And instead of just giving away 2 bottles, we've decided to giveaway 3 bottles! Join us in congratulating the 3 winners.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Castile Soap or Old Fashioned Soap?

The world is full of choices. Every move you make involves choices. With water you drink, choose from hot or cold, bottled or not, imported or local, bubbly or just plain! With coffee, there's an equally wide range of choices, and so does everything else. This time, we tell you about Casa de Lorenzo Natural Liquid Soaps so you know what you're having when you get a bottle.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Natural Liquid Soap Giveaway

Casa de Lorenzo is giving away a few bottles of Natural Liquid Soaps on Facebook! Enjoy the benefits of using soaps made from Olive Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil, scented by essential oils. Get the best of nature, for FREE!

To join, just go to and like the page. Look for the promo poster on the timeline, comment on the post and share the poster on your timeline. A raffle will determine the winner on Friday, September 21, 2012. We're giving away (2) 250mL bottles of Casa de Lorenzo Natural Liquid Soaps worth P350 pesos.

The more people joining, the more bottles of soap we'd be giving away so visit our Facebook page today. You can choose what to win. Select from our Castile Soap or Old Fashioned Soap, Lavender or Peppermint.